At end of the manufacturing process, and LV switchgear assembly must undergo various individual inspection and tests at the factory following IEC standards. The switchboard must comply with:
The tests must be carried out in a clearly defined area and in compliance with applicable authority regulations. Inspector must be a qualified person, who must have attended and passes special training course. They must be qualified for working in the proximity of live parts. Testing area must be cordoned of using WARNING chain or rope and WARNING sign.
The routine tests intendent to detects faults in materials and workmanship. Tests are carried out on every new assembly after it has been assembled or on each transport unit. Hence repetition of routine test at the place of installation is not required. Assemblies, which are assembled using standardized components outside the works of the manufacturer and assemblies, by the exclusive use of parts and accessories specified or supplied by the manufacturer for this purpose, shall be routine tested by the firm which is going to assemble.